Monday 3 December 2007

Sign up for your Christmas Gift: The Guide to Eating Out

Welcome to your 12 days of Fitness COMPLIMENTARY gift from Vicky Warr, The Beez Kneez Fitness and Nutrition Consultancy.

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'EAT OUT, deliciously and nutritiously!'

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Tuesday 20 November 2007

A healthy guide to surviving Christmas Day

Moderation, not self deprivation is the answer!

Christmas is coming and while the goose may be getting fat, you may want to avoid busting your healthy eating routine for the sake of one day of indulgence!

Christmas is coming and while the goose may be getting fat, you may want to avoid busting your healthy eating routine for the sake of one day of indulgence!

On a typical Christmas Day, the average Brit consumes a staggering 7,000 calories.
A normal daily intake should be about 1,800 for women and 2,200 for men. But Christmas pudding and brandy butter alone can add up to 1,200 calories. To burn off just that pudding energy you would need to run for two hours or complete a half marathon. It’s no wonder there are so many detox diets and people rushing to join a gym in January.

But the really scary facts are that over the Christmas season, the ‘average’ person puts on between 7-9lb of fat (1/2 stone) and loses 3-5 lbs of muscle by vegging out on the sofa. The more fat your body has, the fewer calories you need, even when you are resting. So by increasing the fat in your body, the slower your resting metabolic rate will become, making it even easier to pile on the pounds.

Still, nobody wants to be a party pooper. Here’s Vicky’s guide to a guilt-free Yuletide.

Plan ahead – write a list of all the food shopping you need and buy the store cupboard essentials well in advance. Leave the fresh produce until as late as possible so it won’t go off. This way you won’t end up foraging for fatty leftovers.
Prepare yourself – it’s more fun and you’ll then be able to control salt, sugar and fat content. Ready meals often have a lot of added extras. Avoid!
Moderation not deprivation! Enjoy your treats but don’t blow out. So, a chocolate here and there is OK but eating the whole box is overdoing it!
Water up – no doubt you’ll be drinking alcohol so avoid getting dehydrated. Water is key to sustaining energy levels; if you don’t drink enough water you’ll feel lethargic.
Veg out – not of the sofa variety but of the fresh, seasonal type – these will power you up with antioxidants and nutrients to help boost your immune system after the partying has finished!
Breakfast – avoid the trap of skipping this just because you think you’re having a big lunch. A light breakfast is important to stop you reaching for the biscuits and chocolate mid morning.
Booze – Mix spirits with slimline tonic or fresh orange juice and sparkling water. Red wine contains about 85 calories per glass compared with 110 calories for sweet white wine or cider. A less calorific cocktail would be a vodka or gin pub measure, mixed with some pomegranate juice, sparkling water and slices of fruit. At least that way your body will take in some vitamin C. Alternatively, try tomato juice with vodka or white wine mixed with sparkling water, to dilute the alcohol and make your drink last longer. Mulled wine is a better option for Christmas Day, again add lots of fruit slices and avoid adding extra sugar.
Move the body – best cure for a hangover is some fresh, crisp winter air and some quick steps. A power walk for 30 minutes mid-morning will clear the head, ready for your festive lunch.

For more ideas of how to serve up a scrumptious lunch without it taking a toll on your health and body shape, go to

Enjoy your Christmas, If you do overdo it and feel guilty afterwards, just look forward to the New Year, get back on track with your eating and take some exercise!
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Monday 20 August 2007

The Benefits of Cycling


This week I discovered the true benefits that zipping around on 2 wheels in the fresh air instead of being stuck inside a car with 4 wheels can have! In my ignorance and arrogance I often smirked a little at cycling, as running always seemed to be the best exercise. In addition If I couldn’t run, then the best option was just to hop in the car, why puff and pant on 2 wheels when you’ve got the comfort and luxury of 4? Well let me tell you, spinning along with the wind behind your back is not only invigorating, refreshing and avoids the stress of sitting in traffic, you know that you are getting your thighs firmer and your butt perter à la Kylie.

It took me the same amount of time to get from B&Q, Chiswick to the top of the North Circular (Ealing) on my very cool, Silver Airbourne Triathlon bike as it did the 2 tattooed Gentlemen in the red truck. They seemed mightily impressed too at my cycling as there were a few toots of the horn and a chortle of ‘out of the saddle, love’ and ‘can we come along for the ride’. There is something extremely satisfying as seeing people infuriated by the traffic and stressing as they are late for appointments whilst you whiz past them. Plus you're getting fitter than them, gaining leaner legs and helping reduce your risk of heart disease at the same time. Then you get out in the country in the weather that we having at the moment and you really appreciate the benefits even more. Going with a group is even more fun plus you need to wear all the gear. TIP: invest in padded shorts, cycle top, helmet and some sunglasses with different coloured lens so you can co-ordinate them with your cycling outfit and better still your cycle frame. Water bottle is a must and a good organic cereal bar and banana. Unlike running you can also tuck into a scrumptious pub lunch then hop back on your bike to the next destination. Running on a full stomach would never be a good idea unless you wanted the to re-appear in a slightly different formula. If I’ve not convinced you that cycling is the way forward:

• Regular cycling adds an average 2.5 years to your life expectancy

• Cycling is one of the most effective forms of aerobic exercise, helping to reduce heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes

• A 15 minute bike ride to and from work five times a week will burn off 11lbs a year

• Cycling can improve your mood and help reduce stress and depression

• Cycling is the fastest mode of transport from door to door in peak times. It’s free and anyone can do it.

Get on ya bike!FIT VIC XXX

Monday 30 July 2007

Some Golden Rules


Hi! Here to solve your workout problems, this week.

So you've hit a weight loss Plateau?
You tell me you’re:

- Eating well
- Exercising regularly
- and FRUSTRATED that you are aren't making progress!

I must have answered this question millions of times! Trust me, here are the 3 mistakes that you are making:
1) Your perception of ‘eating well’ doesn't match the reality of what food, time of eating, and frequency. To learn the rules of fat loss, you need to read (rather study!) The Beez Kneez 10 Golden nutrition rules.
2) There is no variety in your training.
3) You need increase the intensity of your training (rather than the duration).

If there is no change in your workout from month to month, then your body will not change either. So change the workout every 4 weeks and do not be afraid to take on a little more challenge! You want your body to use the maximum amount of muscle groups in an exercise without having to spend ages in the gym!
Ditch slow, boring cardio exercises in favour of bodyweight exercises like push-ups and pull-ups. Choose 7 exercises and go from one to the next exercise for 20 reps max each with minimal rest. Then rest 1 minute and repeat the circuit up to three times. Bang! You have a great workout done in 20 minutes – no messing and no boredom (you won’t get time!!!). Make sure you have correct technique and do the exercises safely.
Avoid anything you are not comfortable doing...but if you are fit and healthy, you can increase the intensity and add some dumbbells. Your nutrition needs to be 90% good with fresh, whole foods and creativity with vegetables – more on that next time. GOD, it’s more than carrots, broccoli and green beans slumped on a plate with a couple of pototes you know – BORING! Stay posted and I’ll fill you in next week with ‘Stylish ways to vitalize your veggies’ ! Stay fit, dude. FIT VIC XX