Thursday 31 January 2008

How to supercharge your energy levels with food

It’s that time of the year, well into January when you are getting back into the
swing of business, family and exciting projects for your year ahead. It’s when you
want to feel focused and energised. Choosing to eat the foods that give you energy
boosting nutrients, without loading up on calories, will specifically supercharge
your energy levels for a fit and more productive 2008.

Believe it or not, your food will either provide you with a great source of real constant energy or leave you flagging after an hour.

Here's my low down on the top six foods for EXTRA energy.

Eating almonds as a snack when you feel a low energy slump will lift your energy levels. They
contain good amounts of iron and some B vitamins, helping your brain, nerves and muscles to
function properly. It’s important to combine almonds with some source of vitamin C, so that the
body can actually absorb these nutrients as Vitamin C helps the absorption process of iron and
vitamin B. Eat almonds with a piece of fruit, will ensure your body and you’ll reap the benefits.
How to eat more: Add to breakfast cereals, porridge or crumble toppings. Alternatively snack on a small pack with an apple.
As apricots contain both vitamin C and iron this super snack means your body will absorb iron
essential to beat fatigue and recover from exercise. Iron will also help improve mental
performance and lift your mood.
How to eat more: Fresh apricots are best, but you can also try dried apricots as a mid morning
or mid afternoon snack. Also to enhance the flavour of your cereals or porridge, add some
chopped up.
Since broccoli is also rich in iron, if you are anaemic or fatigued it makes
for an essential addition to your diet. There is also evidence from
research conducted at the US National Cancer Institute that regular
consumption of broccoli will help protect from cancer. The anti-oxidants
it contains help inhibit the activation of cancer cells in the body.
How to eat more: Best steamed, add three tablespoons to your
evening meal or add to stir fry’s. Also try broccoli spears raw in a
If you’ve ever watched Popeye you know what happens when he gets his fix of spinach. He ends up
with a great burst of energy and his muscles pop out. Now eating spinach will not ensure bulging
muscles (so fear not if your female!) however this food will give you a much-needed spark of
energy. It’s packed with vitamins and nutrients and iron, but also contains an enzyme known as coenzyme
10 for energy production.
How to eat more: Add raw to salads, add to omelette dishes or add to mash potato.
A delicious accompaniment to any fish or meat dish.
Eating oatmeal or porridge will do wonders for your energy levels. Oats contain fibre so you’ll feel
sustained energy all day long, rather than energy peaks and dips that can have you feeling tired and
often hungrier. As porridge is a meal in it’s own right, you have the advantage of being able to top
it off with fruit, nuts and berries for added flavour and more energy-enhancing foods.
How to eat more: Eat at breakfast as porridge or add the flakes to the toppings on crumbles
or use to make your own granola or muesli.
Salmon, tuna or sardines
Wild salmon, tuna or sardines are all rich sources of omega-3 fatty
acids, that boost your mood, beat stress and play a crucial role in
brain development and concentration. If you have an important
meeting or interview these foods will help you stay focused and
energised throughout.
How to eat more: Tinned fish is a convenient option to eat with
salads or topped on a slice of wholegrain bread. Sardines also make a good energizing ‘weekend
brunch’ with a slice of toast and a glass of juice.

Click here for the full article and tips for instantly boosting energy and other complimentary articles.

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